Swensons的汽车撞车造成轻伤,暂时关闭了餐馆。 Car crash at Swensons Drive-In causes minor injuries, temporarily shutting down the restaurant.
西阿克伦的Swensons Drift-In发生车祸,导致餐厅暂时关闭。 A car accident at Swensons Drive-In in West Akron led to the temporary closure of the restaurant. 这辆高速驾驶的汽车坠入大楼,造成一名工人和司机轻伤。 The car, driven at high speed, crashed into the building, causing minor injuries to a worker and the driver. 餐馆现在用一辆食品卡车经营,主楼则得到修理。 The restaurant is now operating from a food truck while the main building is repaired.