一辆汽车在俄亥俄州撞进Lydia的匈牙利Strudel, 因为司机的错误, 但面包店一直开着。 A car crashed into Lydia's Hungarian Strudel in Ohio due to a driver's error, but the bakery stayed open.
周六早上,一名司机在俄亥俄州帕尔马高地意外撞上了 Lydia's Hungarian Strudel,原因是他在停车时误踩了油门而不是刹车。 On Saturday morning, a driver accidentally crashed into Lydia's Hungarian Strudel in Parma Heights, Ohio, after mistakenly hitting the gas instead of the brake while parking. 没有人受伤,尽管发生碰撞,面包店仍设法履行了当天的所有订单。 No one was injured, and despite the collision, the bakery managed to fulfill all its orders for the day. 商店没有结构性损坏。 There was no structural damage to the store.