12人受伤;8人住院,车辆撞入位于雷诺斯堡的O'Charley餐厅。 12 injured; vehicle crashes into O'Charley's restaurant in Reynoldsburg, 8 hospitalized.
星期天晚上在Reynoldsburg,一辆汽车撞到O'Charley的一家餐馆,造成12人受伤。 On Sunday evening in Reynoldsburg, a vehicle crashed into an O'Charley's restaurant, injuring 12 people. 8人住院,4人在附近的医疗中心寻求治疗。 Eight were hospitalized, while four sought care at a nearby medical center. 幸运的是,没有报告有危及生命的伤害。 Fortunately, no life-threatening injuries were reported. 事件发生在下午6时30分左右,虽然现场看起来很严重,但餐厅没有受到结构性破坏。 The incident occurred around 6:30 p.m., and although the scene appeared severe, the restaurant did not sustain structural damage. 涉案人员的身份仍然不明,餐厅重新开放情况不确定。 The identities of those involved remain undisclosed, and the restaurant's reopening is uncertain.