俄克拉荷马城布里克敦的车祸损坏了 Dave's Hot Chicken 并扰乱了当地的交通信号灯;没有受伤报告。 Car crash in Bricktown, Oklahoma City, damages Dave's Hot Chicken and disrupts local traffic signals; no injuries reported.
在俄克拉荷马市Bricktown发生车祸, 一辆有刹车问题的车撞到Dave的热鸡餐厅, A car crash occurred early Friday morning in Bricktown, Oklahoma City, when a vehicle with brake issues hit the Dave's Hot Chicken restaurant, causing damage to the restaurant and a nearby powerbox that disrupted local traffic signals. 俄克拉荷马市消防局对现场作出了回应。 The Oklahoma City Fire Department responded to the scene. 没有人员受伤的报告,城市工作人员正在努力恢复权力。 No injuries were reported, and city crews are working to restore power.