加利福尼亚卫生官员发现生奶中含有禽流感病毒;农场召回产品。 California health officials find bird flu virus in raw milk; farm recalls products.
加利福尼亚卫生官员已经检测到禽流感病毒, 特别是H5N1, 来自Raw Farm, LLC的生奶。 California health officials have detected the bird flu virus, specifically H5N1, in raw milk from Raw Farm, LLC. 该公司为受影响的产品发布了一份自愿召回通知,没有报告疾病。 The company has issued a voluntary recall for the affected products, with no reported illnesses. 加利福尼亚公共卫生部警告不要消费召回的生奶,强调消毒牛奶是安全的,因为取暖过程杀死了有害的病原体。 The California Department of Public Health warns against consuming the recalled raw milk, emphasizing that pasteurized milk is safe as the heating process kills harmful pathogens.