缅因州巴港的选民拒绝了将游轮乘客的每日限制提高三倍的提议。 Voters in Bar Harbor, Maine, rejected a proposal to triple the daily limit on cruise ship passengers.
缅因州巴港的重新计票证实,关于将游轮乘客的上限从每天1 000人提高到3 200人的提议遭到否决。 A recount in Bar Harbor, Maine confirmed the rejection of a proposal to increase the cap on cruise ship passengers from 1,000 to 3,200 per day. 这项措施以65票被击败,维持了目前的限额。 The measure was defeated by 65 votes, maintaining the current limit. 这一决定可能影响地方商业和收入,反映了该镇为平衡旅游业与保护当地资源而持续作出的努力。 This decision, which could impact local businesses and revenue, reflects the town's ongoing efforts to balance tourism with preserving local resources.