克罗布查尔参议员要求联邦调查局 对特朗普内阁候选人的背景调查 面对共和党的回击 Senator Klobuchar calls for FBI background checks on Trump's Cabinet nominees, facing Republican pushback.
民主党参议员Amy Klobuchar强调,联邦调查局需要对当选总统特朗普的内阁提名人进行背景调查,担心迟迟不能商定这些检查会延缓确认。 Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar stresses the need for FBI background checks on President-elect Trump's Cabinet nominees, worried that delays in agreeing on these checks could slow down confirmations. 她还质疑一些被提名人的观点是否与公众的观点一致。 She also questions whether some nominees' views align with the public's. 共和党参议员Bill Hagerty认为,检查应加快进行,但并不坚持必须由联邦调查局进行。 Republican Senator Bill Hagerty argues the checks should be expedited but does not insist they must be conducted by the FBI.