俄罗斯和中国在日本海完成了为期六天的联合军事演习,这是大规模演习的一部分,反映了军事协作日益增加。 Russia and China completed a six-day joint military exercise in the Sea of Japan, part of larger drills and reflecting growing military collaboration.
最近,俄罗斯和中国在日本海完成了为期六天的“北/互动-2024”联合军事演习,旨在加强战略合作和安全准备状态。 Russia and China recently completed a six-day joint military exercise, "Northern/Interaction-2024," in the Sea of Japan, aimed at enhancing strategic cooperation and security readiness. 这是更广泛的演习的一部分,包括大型的“海洋-2024”演习,涉及400多艘海军舰艇和90 000名士兵。 This is part of broader drills, including the larger "Ocean-2024," involving over 400 naval vessels and 90,000 troops. 这些演习反映出两国军事协作日益加强,以应对美国在边界附近军事存在的增加,并相互支持对方的区域野心。 The exercises reflect the two nations' growing military collaboration in response to the increasing U.S. military presence near their borders and support each other's regional ambitions.