Hertfordshire警察警告枪支所有者,由于盗窃事件增加,要保护枪支安全。 Hertfordshire police warn gun owners to secure firearms due to increased thefts.
Hertfordshire警方警告持照火器拥有者, 由于枪支盗窃事件增加, 今年秋天要提高警惕。 Hertfordshire police are warning licensed firearms owners to be more vigilant this autumn due to a rise in gun thefts. 探长James Clatworthy敦促所有者保护其火器和弹药,防止它们被盗并对公共安全构成威胁。 Detective Chief Inspector James Clatworthy urged owners to secure their firearms and ammunition to prevent them from being stolen and posing a threat to public safety. 对于参加活动或运送火器的人来说,这一咨询意见尤其重要。 This advice is especially important for those attending events or transporting firearms.