过去十年,美国汽车中被盗枪支数量增加了两倍。 Stolen guns from cars in the US tripled in the last decade.
据枪支安全组织Everytown的分析,过去10年,美国汽车内被盗枪支数量增加了两倍,汽车成为被盗枪支的最大来源。 Guns stolen from cars in the U.S. have tripled in the last decade, making them the largest source of stolen guns, according to an analysis by the gun safety group Everytown. 汽车枪支失窃率几乎每年都在增加,尤其是在新冠疫情期间,武器购买量激增。 The rate of stolen guns from cars increased nearly every year, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when there was a surge in weapon purchases. 在一些案件中,这些被盗枪支是在犯罪现场被发现的。 In some cases, these stolen guns have been found at crime scenes. 这一令人担忧的趋势凸显了美国人需要保护好自己的枪支,以防止落入危险分子之手。 This alarming trend highlights the need for Americans to secure their firearms to prevent them from falling into dangerous hands.