妇女因在Saanich商场用SUV殴打7岁女孩而被捕;儿童受重伤。 Woman arrested for hitting seven-year-old with SUV at Saanich mall; child seriously injured.
一名妇女因11月22日星期五在不列颠哥伦比亚省Saanich的Tillicum Mall与她的SUV一起殴打一名7岁儿童而被捕。 A woman was arrested for hitting a seven-year-old child with her SUV at Tillicum Mall in Saanich, British Columbia, on Friday, November 22. 这名儿童在撞车逃跑事件中腿部严重受伤,当时他们正行走在商场入口附近的十字路口。 The child suffered serious leg injuries in the hit-and-run incident, which occurred as they were walking on a crosswalk near the mall's entrance. 警方仍在寻找证人和破碎摄像头录像,可联系到250-475-421。 Police are still seeking witnesses and dashcam footage; they can be contacted at 250-475-4321.