联合国核准关于开始谈判一项反人类罪行条约的决议。 UN approves resolution to start negotiations on a treaty against crimes against humanity.
联合国大会法律委员会一致通过了一项决议,开始谈判第一项旨在防止和惩罚危害人类罪的条约。 The UN General Assembly's legal committee has unanimously approved a resolution to begin negotiations on the first treaty aimed at preventing and punishing crimes against humanity. 起初,俄罗斯试图阻挠该决议,但最终撤回了反对。 Initially, Russia sought to block the resolution, but ultimately withdrew its opposition. 如果大会全体成员于12月4日通过,筹备会议将于2026年开始,从而在2028年和2029年举行谈判会议,最终确定条约。 If adopted by the full General Assembly on December 4, preparatory sessions will begin in 2026, leading to negotiating sessions in 2028 and 2029 to finalize the treaty.