伊拉克军事空袭在基尔库克以西的崎岖地区杀害了5名伊斯兰国武装分子。 Iraqi military airstrikes killed five ISIS militants in a rugged area west of Kirkuk.
星期五,伊拉克军方在基尔库克以西的崎岖地区进行空袭,造成5名伊斯兰国好战分子丧生。 Five Islamic State (IS) militants were killed in airstrikes conducted by the Iraqi military in a rugged area west of Kirkuk on Friday. 根据情报报告,这次行动在星期六发现武装分子的尸体和武器后得到证实。 The operation, based on intelligence reports, was confirmed by the discovery of the militants' bodies and weapons on Saturday. 尽管伊斯兰国在2017年失败,该团体的残余分子继续在伊拉克各地进行游击队袭击。 Despite IS's defeat in 2017, remnants of the group continue to carry out guerrilla attacks in various parts of Iraq.