美国于9月16日和28日在叙利亚发动3次空袭, 杀害37名伊斯兰国激进分子Hurras al-Deen, 3 US airstrikes in Syria on Sep 16 & 28 killed 37 ISIS, Hurras al-Deen militants, aiming to disrupt threats to US interests.
最近在美国对叙利亚的两次空袭中,37名与伊斯兰国和基地组织下属的胡拉斯·德恩有关联的好战分子被打死。 In two recent U.S. airstrikes in Syria, 37 militants linked to the Islamic State and the al-Qaeda-affiliated Hurras al-Deen were killed. 9月16日和28日的罢工针对伊斯兰国训练营和Hurras al-Deen高级成员。 The strikes, conducted on September 16 and 28, targeted an ISIS training camp and a senior Hurras al-Deen member. 这些行动旨在打乱对美国利益的威胁,防止伊拉克和沙姆伊斯兰国死灰复燃。 These actions aim to disrupt threats to U.S. interests and prevent ISIS's resurgence. 与此同时,12名亲伊朗战斗人员在叙利亚东部无人宣布的空袭中丧生,这凸显了当前的区域紧张局势。 Meanwhile, 12 pro-Iranian fighters were killed in unclaimed strikes in eastern Syria, highlighting ongoing regional tensions.