五名伊拉克士兵在伊拉克东部的一次伊斯兰国袭击中丧生。 Five Iraqi soldiers were killed in an ISIS attack in eastern Iraq.
周一,疑似伊斯兰国武装分子袭击了伊拉克东部的一个军事哨所,造成包括一名指挥官在内的五名伊拉克士兵死亡,另有五人受伤。 Five Iraqi soldiers, including a commanding officer, were killed and five others injured in an attack by suspected ISIS militants on an army post in eastern Iraq on Monday. 该事件发生在迪亚拉省和萨拉赫丁省之间,尽管伊拉克 2017 年宣布战胜极端组织,但该地区仍有活跃的武装分子小组。 The incident took place between Diyala and Salahuddin provinces, an area still active with militant cells despite Iraq's 2017 declaration of victory over the extremist group. 伊拉克国防部对士兵的牺牲表示哀悼,并指出安全部队击退了这次袭击,但也造成了人员伤亡。 The Iraqi defense ministry mourned the loss of the soldiers and noted that security forces repelled the attack, but casualties occurred. 目前,伊拉克计划撤出帮助击败伊斯兰国的以美国为首的国际联盟,并依靠当地安全部队应对未来的威胁。 This comes as Iraq plans to draw down the US-led international coalition that helped defeat ISIS and rely on local security forces to handle future threats.