加拿大政府为因努伊特人1950年代到60年代的 雪橇狗杀人事件道歉和赔偿 Canadian government to apologize and compensate Inuit for 1950s-60s sled dog killings.
加拿大政府将为因努伊特人在1950年代和1960年代之间被魁北克警方杀害的雪橇犬向努纳维克的因努伊特人道歉并提供4 500万加元的补偿。 The Canadian government will apologize and provide $45 million in compensation to Inuit people in Nunavik for the killing of sled dogs by Quebec police between the 1950s and 1960s. 2010年的一份报告发现,1 000多只狗被杀死,而没有考虑到它们对因努伊特家庭的重要性。 A 2010 report found that over 1,000 dogs were killed without regard for their importance to Inuit families. 补偿将有助于振兴狗队当家作主的文化,支持社区福祉。 The compensation will help revitalize the culture of dog team ownership and support the community's well-being.