俄亥俄州中部城市与被警犬咬伤的前 K-9 警官、卡车司机 Jadarrius Rose 达成 225,000 美元的和解。 Central Ohio city settles $225,000 with former K-9 officer, truck driver Jadarrius Rose after being bitten by a police dog.
本文报道了俄亥俄州中部城市与去年参与袭击事件的前 K-9 警官和卡车司机达成的和解。 This article reports on a settlement reached between a central Ohio city and a former K-9 officer and truck driver involved in an attack last year. 该事件的录制视频引起了全国关注,并引发了关于使用警犬逮捕嫌疑人的质疑。 Recorded video from the incident gained national attention and sparked questions about using dogs to apprehend suspects. Jadarrius Rose 被警犬咬伤后,该市同意向他支付 225,000 美元。 The city has agreed to pay Jadarrius Rose $225,000 after he was bitten by a police dog. 卡车司机罗斯签署了和解文件,表示这次袭击的影响将永远伴随着他,并永久改变了他对执法部门的看法。 Rose, the truck driver, signed the settlement documents stating that the effects of the attack will stay with him and have permanently altered his perception of law enforcement.