妇女在美国各州立法机构中的代表人数创历史新高,但国会落后。 Women's representation in U.S. state legislatures hits record high, but Congress lags behind.
在美国各州立法机构中,妇女代表人数创下历史新高,全国有2 450名妇女任职,占所有席位的33.2%。 Women's representation in U.S. state legislatures has hit a record high, with 2,450 women serving, or 33.2% of all seats nationwide. 科罗拉多州和新墨西哥州现在将拥有大多数妇女立法者。 Colorado and New Mexico will now have a majority of women lawmakers. 然而,在11月选举后,13个州的女性代表人数有所下降。 However, 13 states saw a decrease in female representation after the November election. 尽管取得了这些成就,妇女在国会中的代表性仍然不足,仅占立法者人数的28%,这突出表明需要继续朝着两性均等取得进展。 Despite these gains, women are still underrepresented in Congress, making up only 28% of lawmakers, highlighting the need for continued progress toward gender parity.