波兰关闭了俄罗斯驻波兹南领事馆,指控其从事破坏企图和间谍活动。 Poland closes Russian consulate in Poznan over alleged sabotage attempts and espionage.
正如外交部长拉多斯拉夫·西科尔斯基所说,波兰正在关闭俄罗斯驻波兹南领事馆,原因是据称莫斯科企图进行破坏。 Poland is closing its Russian consulate in Poznan due to alleged sabotage attempts attributed to Moscow, as stated by Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski. 这一决定是在对被指控从事间谍活动和与俄罗斯特工有牵连的未遂纵火阴谋的众多个人进行调查之后作出的。 This decision follows investigations into numerous individuals accused of espionage and a foiled arson plot linked to Russian agents. 波兰警告说,如果这类活动继续下去,将采取进一步行动。 Poland warns of further actions if such activities continue. 俄罗斯谴责了关闭行动,并承诺将做出“痛苦”的回应。 Russia has condemned the closure, promising a "painful" response. 在乌克兰不断得到支持的情况下,紧张局势仍然很大。 Tensions remain high amid ongoing support for Ukraine.