美国驻莫斯科大使馆警告大型集会即将面临极端主义威胁。 US Embassy in Moscow warns of imminent extremist threats to large gatherings.
美国驻莫斯科大使馆警告称,极端分子“即将计划”在未来两天内针对莫斯科的大型集会,包括音乐会。 The US Embassy in Moscow has warned of "imminent plans" by extremists to target large gatherings in Moscow, including concerts, within the next two days. 外交使团建议美国公民在未来48小时内避免大型集会。 The diplomatic mission advised US citizens to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours. 该警报是在莫斯科和华盛顿之间持续紧张的情况下发出的,俄罗斯当局尚未对此通知发表评论。 The alert was issued amid ongoing tensions between Moscow and Washington, and the Russian authorities have not yet commented on the notice.