美国驻基辅大使馆因乌克兰对俄罗斯的导弹袭击导致紧张局势升级而关门。 US Embassy in Kyiv closes as tensions escalate over Ukraine's missile strikes on Russia.
美国驻基辅大使馆已暂时关闭,并指示工作人员由于可能发生的重大空袭而就地避难。 The US Embassy in Kyiv has temporarily closed and instructed staff to shelter in place due to a potential significant air attack. 乌克兰使用美国提供的导弹攻击俄罗斯领土, This move follows Ukraine's use of US-supplied missiles to strike Russian territory, escalating tensions. 俄罗斯曾警告说,如果乌克兰继续使用这种武器,俄罗斯可能认为北约国家直接参与。 Russia has warned it may consider NATO nations directly involved if Ukraine continues to use such weapons. 此外,美国已经批准为乌克兰使用杀伤人员地雷,有报告说北朝鲜部队援助俄罗斯部队。 Additionally, the US has approved anti-personnel mines for Ukraine, and there are reports of North Korean troops aiding Russian forces.