苏格兰工党赢得三次格拉斯哥补选, 表示当地选民不满。 Scottish Labour wins three Glasgow by-elections, signaling voter discontent in local areas.
苏格兰工党在格拉斯哥赢得三次补选,获得原先由党员占有的席位。 Scottish Labour won three by-elections in Glasgow, securing seats previously held by party members. Drumchapel/Anniesland、Maryhill和东北区的胜利被视为选民对当地服务表示不满的迹象。 The victories in Drumchapel/Anniesland, Maryhill, and North East wards were seen as a sign of voter dissatisfaction with local services. 在爱丁堡,一名新当选的自由民主党议员因个人原因辞职,导致另一次补选。 In Edinburgh, a newly elected Liberal Democrat councillor resigned due to personal reasons, leading to another upcoming by-election.