James Potts of Labors赢得了伊斯林顿补选,以785票击败了Jackson Caines。 James Potts of Labour won the Islington by-election, defeating Jackson Caines with 785 votes.
11 月 28 日,工党的詹姆斯·波茨 (James Potts) 以 785 票击败了伊斯灵顿独立党的杰克逊·凯恩斯 (Jackson Caines),赢得了伦敦伊斯灵顿 (Islington) 选区的补选,获得了 550 票。 James Potts of the Labour party won the Junction ward by-election in Islington, London, on November 28, with 785 votes, defeating Jackson Caines from the Islington Independents who received 550 votes. 这次补选是Kaya Comer-Schwartz辞职引发的,他离开伦敦市长办公室参加选举。 The by-election was triggered by the resignation of Kaya Comer-Schwartz, who left to join the London Mayor's office. 投票率为21.33%,投票率为1 946票。 The turnout was 21.33%, with 1,946 votes cast. 新理事会领袖Una O'Halloran庆祝胜利, New council leader Una O'Halloran celebrated the win, highlighting Labour's engagement with voters.