洛杉矶警察局官员在505号高速公路的摩托车失事中受伤;轻微受伤,交通受阻。 LAPD officer injured in motorcycle crash on 405 Freeway; minor injuries, traffic backed up.
周四下午,一名洛杉矶警察局摩托车警官在洛杉矶 Skirball Center Drive 附近的北向 405 高速公路上发生车祸,造成重大交通拥堵。 A LAPD motorcycle officer was injured in a crash on the northbound 405 Freeway near Skirball Center Drive in Los Angeles on Thursday afternoon, causing a major traffic backup. 这名警官得到护理人员的治疗,并被送往医院,报告显示有轻伤。 The officer was treated by paramedics and transported to a hospital, with reports indicating minor injuries. 坠机原因并不立即明确,所有北向车道最初都关闭,但有些车道后来重新开放。 The cause of the crash was not immediately clear, and all northbound lanes were initially closed, though some have since reopened.