电动汽车在实际条件下可以行驶 300-600 公里,解决了续航里程和充电问题,但成本、转售价值、保险和采矿问题仍然存在。 Electric vehicles can travel 300-600km in real-world conditions, addressing range and charging concerns, while cost, resale value, insurance, and mining issues persist.
揭穿电动汽车迷思:随着技术的进步,电动汽车在实际条件下可以行驶 300-600 公里,超过了普通私家车每年 12,100 公里的行驶里程。 Electric car myths debunked: With advancements in technology, electric vehicles can travel 300-600km in real-world conditions, surpassing the average private car's 12,100km yearly travel. 新款车型已经解决了续航里程有限和充电困难等常见问题。 Common concerns, such as limited range and charging difficulties, have been addressed in newer models. 然而,对于成本、转售价值和保险的担忧仍然存在。 However, concerns about cost, resale value, and insurance remain.