科学家们找到新的方法,利用光和热打破有害的全氟辛烷磺酰胺化学品。 Scientists find new ways to break down harmful PFAS chemicals using light and heat.
研究人员发现了使用光和热打破PFAS或“永远的化学品”的新方法,这些方法与严重的健康问题相关联。 Researchers have discovered new methods using light and heat to break down PFAS, or "forever chemicals," which are linked to serious health issues. 科罗拉多州立大学和中国科技大学的科学家使用光催化剂打破PFAS中强大的碳键, 可能会导致回收和处理这些有害物质的新方法. Scientists at Colorado State University and the University of Science and Technology of China used photocatalysts to break the strong carbon-fluorine bonds in PFAS, potentially leading to new ways to recycle and dispose of these harmful substances. 这些方法可以在现实环境下进行测试,以在各种环境中处理PFAS. The methods could be tested in real-world conditions to handle PFAS in various environments.