荷兰面临大规模七千万欧元的PFAS清理工作, 被称为“永远的化学品”, 与严重的健康风险相关。 The Netherlands faces a massive €70 million cleanup for PFAS, dubbed "forever chemicals," linked to severe health risks.
荷兰面临 7000 万欧元的 PFAS 或“永久化学品”的清理费用,这些化学品与癌症等健康风险有关。 The Netherlands faces a €70 million cleanup bill for PFAS, or "forever chemicals," linked to health risks like cancer. 净化受全氟辛烷磺酸污染的土壤的费用比清除其他毒素的费用高1 000倍。 Cleaning PFAS-contaminated soil is up to 1,000 times more expensive than removing other toxins. 全欧洲范围的清理费用在20年中可能达到950亿欧元。 Europe-wide cleanup costs could reach 95 billion euros over two decades. 工业游说者反对更加严格的PFAS规章,反对替代技术的经济利益。 Industry lobbyists are opposing stricter PFAS regulations, arguing against the economic benefits of alternative technologies. 清理PFAS污染可能会在英国和欧洲造成超过1.6万亿英镑的代价。 Cleaning up PFAS pollution could cost over £1.6 trillion across the UK and Europe. 研究人员认为,限制使用全氟辛烷磺酰胺比处理环境更具成本效益。 Researchers suggest restricting PFAS use could be more cost-effective than treating the environment.