加拿大皇家骑警调查艾伯塔省的6万美元肉类诈骗案;Krysta-Lyn Williams被指控,更多受害者被通缉。 RCMP investigate $60,000 meat scam in Alberta; Krysta-Lyn Williams charged, more victims sought.
艾伯塔省皇家骑警正在调查一个购买肉的骗局,骗取了60 000美元中的16人。 RCMP in Alberta are investigating a meat-buying scam that defrauded 16 people out of $60,000. 受害者支付了一家名为DBL肉类的假公司给的肉类订单。 The victims paid for meat orders from a fake company called DBL Meats. 来自不列颠哥伦比亚Penticton的36岁的Krysta-Lyn Williams被指控诈骗超过5 000美元,并已发出逮捕令。 Krysta-Lyn Williams, a 36-year-old from Penticton, BC, has been charged with fraud over $5,000, and a warrant for her arrest has been issued. 警方认为有更多的受害者, 并正在要求任何有信息的人 联系他们或犯罪制止者。 Police believe there are more victims and are asking anyone with information to contact them or Crime Stoppers.