妇女据称以假Taylor Swift票出售7万美元,并面临32项欺诈指控而被捕。 Woman arrested for allegedly selling $70,000 in fake Taylor Swift tickets, facing 32 fraud charges.
来自安大略Burlington的一位妇女因据称在脸书市场向28人出售价值70 000美元的假Taylor Swift音乐会票而被捕。 A woman from Burlington, Ontario, arrested for allegedly selling $70,000 worth of fake Taylor Swift concert tickets to 28 people via Facebook Marketplace under the alias "Denise Blackhawk." 受害者被告知,机票会在演出前几天到达,但从未收到。 Victims were told tickets would arrive days before the show but never received them. 她面临32项欺诈指控,警方认为可能有更多受害者,敦促任何知情者与他们联系。 She faces 32 fraud charges, and police believe there could be more victims, urging anyone with information to contact them.