Riley县调查了对堪萨斯州肉类厂的6万美元欺诈行为;犯罪制止者提供奖励。 Riley County investigates $60,000 fraud against Meat Works of Kansas; Crime Stoppers offers reward.
Riley县的执法部门正在调查一起案件, 堪萨斯州的肉类工厂被电子邮件欺骗, 卖掉15000磅的土牛肉, 结果损失了60,000美元。 Law enforcement in Riley County are investigating a case where Meat Works of Kansas was deceived through email to sell 15,000 pounds of ground beef, resulting in a $60,000 loss. 肇事者身份不明。 The perpetrator is unknown. 犯罪制止者提供高达1 000美元 用于匿名提示 导致解决。 Crime Stoppers is offering up to $1,000 for anonymous tips leading to a resolution.