昆士兰州Kallanguur的26岁男子因网上牲畜骗局面临14项欺诈指控, 26-year-old man in Kallangur, Queensland faces 14 fraud charges over an online livestock scam, collecting $7,500 from 12 victims.
在昆士兰州Kallanguur, 一名26岁男子因涉嫌经营在线牲畜骗局, 面临14项欺诈指控及毒品犯罪。 A 26-year-old man in Kallangur, Queensland, faces 14 fraud charges and drug offenses for allegedly running an online livestock scam. 据报告,在2023年8月至10月之间,他从12名受害者那里收集了7 500多美元,这些受害者从未收过牛、驴或他们付钱养的小猫。 Between August and October 2023, he reportedly collected over $7,500 from 12 victims who never received cattle, donkeys, or a kitten they paid for. 昆士兰警方警告买家在网上采购前进行彻底检查。 Queensland police have warned buyers to conduct thorough checks before making online purchases. 嫌犯将于11月14日出庭。 The suspect will appear in court on November 14.