一名63岁的男子因在爱尔兰纵火焚烧其88岁的母亲而被判处12年徒刑。 A 63-year-old man is sentenced to 12 years for setting his 88-year-old mother on fire in Ireland.
2022年4月,一名63岁的男子Geunter Lohse因将88岁的母亲Ruth Lohse在爱尔兰Coolvoy、Doochary、Co Donegal的家中放火而被判处12年徒刑。 A 63-year-old man, Geunter Lohse, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for setting his 88-year-old mother, Ruth Lohse, on fire in their home in Coolvoy, Doochary, Co Donegal, Ireland, in April 2022. Lohse承认犯有过失杀人罪,声称他的家人的言论迫使他出于愤怒和沮丧而这样做。 Lohse pleaded guilty to manslaughter, claiming his family's comments drove him to the act out of anger and frustration. 法官在量刑时考虑到这些因素,承认他脆弱的心理状态和没有以前定罪的情况。 The judge acknowledged his vulnerable mental state and lack of previous convictions, considering these factors in his sentencing. Ruth Lohse被描述为她家庭的“心脏和灵魂”,她全家毕生致力于照料她的儿子。 Ruth Lohse was described as the "heart and soul" of her family, who dedicated her life to caring for her son.