McComb警察局长Juan Cloy在警官枪杀16岁的嫌疑犯后休假。 McComb Police Chief Juan Cloy placed on leave after officer fatally shoots 16-year-old suspect.
McComb警察局长Juan Cloy在11月14日枪击杀死一名16岁的嫌犯后,正在休行政假。 McComb Police Chief Juan Cloy is on administrative leave following a shooting on Nov. 14 that killed a 16-year-old suspect. 事件发生在警察对关于一辆可疑车辆的电话作出回应之后;两名嫌疑人持枪离开汽车,导致致命枪击。 The incident occurred after police responded to a call about a suspicious vehicle; two suspects exited the car with a gun, leading to the fatal shooting. 密西西比调查局正在进行调查 Quordiniah Lockley市长要求社区耐心 The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is investigating, and Mayor Quordiniah Lockley has asked for community patience.