Bangor警官因调查涉及教唆未成年人而请假。 Bangor police officer placed on leave over investigation involving solicitation of a minor.
一名Bangor警官正在休行政假,因为Van Buren县检察官办公室正在调查涉及引诱一名未成年人的报告。 A Bangor police officer is on administrative leave as the Van Buren County Prosecutor's office investigates a report involving the solicitation of a minor. 调查涉及该警官对报告的答复。 The investigation concerns the officer’s response to the report. 一名志愿后备助理军官已从本部方案中除名。 A volunteer reserve auxiliary officer has been removed from the department's program. Bangor警察局正在进行内部调查,目前尚未公布进一步详情。 The Bangor Police Department is conducting an internal investigation, and no further details are being released at this time.