伊拉克库尔德斯坦的三名男子因在向欧洲偷运人口网络中扮演的角色而被捕。 Three men in Iraqi Kurdistan were arrested for their role in a human smuggling network to Europe.
在伊拉克库尔德斯坦地区,3名男子因据称在将移民转移到联合王国和欧洲的全球人口走私网络中扮演的角色而被捕。 Three men in Iraq's Kurdistan Region were arrested for their alleged role in a global people smuggling network that moved migrants to the UK and Europe. 他们涉嫌与关押在英国的走私犯Amanj Hasan Zada合作。 They are suspected of collaborating with Amanj Hasan Zada, a jailed UK-based smuggler. 这些逮捕涉及国家犯罪署和地方库尔德安全部队,是针对该地区高级别走私者的第一次此类行动。 The arrests, involving the National Crime Agency and local Kurdish security forces, mark the first such operation targeting high-level smugglers in the region. 这些男子因贩运人口罪而面临指控。 The men face charges for human trafficking offenses.