大约1,500名移民在特朗普就职前前往美国边境, A caravan of about 1,500 migrants is heading to the U.S. border before Trump's inauguration, despite risks.
来自中美洲和南美洲的大约1 500名移民组成的新车队在墨西哥南部形成,目的是前往美国边境。 A new caravan of about 1,500 migrants from Central and South America has formed in southern Mexico, aiming to travel to the U.S. border. 该团体希望能在特朗普总统1月就职之前抵达, The group hopes to arrive before President Trump's inauguration in January, fearing increased difficulties afterward. 2018年开始的移民大篷车对于较贫穷的移民来说是一个更安全的选择。 Migrant caravans started in 2018 as a safer option for poorer migrants. 尽管面临来自毒品卡特尔的威胁和恶劣条件,移民仍决心抵达美国边境。 Despite facing threats from drug cartels and harsh conditions, the migrants are determined to reach the U.S. border. 美国试图通过向南扩大庇护申请区来遏制大篷车的形成,但许多移民仍然宁愿靠近边境,如果有的话可以迅速预约。 The U.S. has tried to curb the formation of caravans by expanding asylum claim areas southward, but many migrants still prefer to be near the border to quickly access appointments if available.