家长们努力在出生证上纠正新出生的Lilah的性别,并寻求议员的帮助。 Parents struggle to correct newborn Lilah's gender on birth certificate, seeking help from MP.
一名新生女孩Lilah在Nottinghamshire的出生证上被错误地登记为男孩。 A newborn girl, Lilah, was mistakenly registered as a boy on her birth certificate in Nottinghamshire. 家长Ewan Murray和Grace Bingham与当地及全国的登记办事处努力纠正错误。 Parents Ewan Murray and Grace Bingham have struggled to correct the error with local and national registration offices. 夫妇担心这一错误可能会在未来给Lilah造成问题,例如护照申请和工作前景。 The couple fears the mistake could cause issues for Lilah in the future, such as with passport applications and job prospects. 他们已经寻求当地议员的帮助,后者计划向儿童事务部长提出这个问题。 They have sought help from their local MP, who plans to raise the issue with the minister for children. 县议会已经道歉,并正在努力纠正这一错误。 The county council has apologized and is working to correct the error.