美国特使访问苏丹,在1 100多万的冲突中推动和平和援助。 US envoy visits Sudan to push for peace and aid in a conflict displacing over 11 million.
美国特使汤姆·佩里耶洛访问苏丹,寻求增加人道主义援助,结束苏丹武装部队与快速支援部队之间的战争。 US Special Envoy Tom Perriello visited Sudan to seek increased humanitarian aid and end the war between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. 佩里耶洛与苏丹陆军总司令会晤,讨论了提供援助和谈判和平的途径。 Meeting with Sudan's army chief, Perriello discussed ways to deliver aid and negotiate peace. 这场冲突使1 100多万人流离失所,造成数千人死亡,对包括俄罗斯和伊朗在内的外国介入感到关切。 The conflict has displaced over 11 million people and killed thousands, with concerns over foreign involvement including Russia and Iran.