美国 驻南苏丹大使和美援署特派团主任与合作伙伴会晤,讨论援助问题,并批评过渡政府的投资。 U.S. Ambassador to South Sudan and USAID Mission Director meet with partners, discuss aid, and criticize transitional government's investment.
美国 U.S. 10月17日,驻南苏丹大使迈克尔·阿德勒和美援署代表团团长戴维·汤普森会见了32个执行伙伴,讨论人道主义和发展工作。 Ambassador to South Sudan, Michael J. Adler, and USAID Mission Director, David Thompson, met with 32 implementing partners on October 17 to discuss humanitarian and development efforts. 美国在过去一年中提供了7亿多美元的人道主义援助和5 500万美元的发展援助。 The U.S. has provided over $700 million in humanitarian aid and $55 million in development assistance over the past year. 阿德勒批评过渡政府投资条件不足,要求改善公共收入管理和透明度。 Adler criticized the transitional government for inadequate investment conditions and called for improved public revenue management and transparency.