美国敦促恢复苏丹和谈,以防止全球最大规模流离失所事件中的危机升级。 US urges resumption of Sudan peace talks to prevent crisis escalation amidst world's largest displacement.
美国正在紧急推动苏丹恢复和谈,以防止危机进一步升级,谈判将于四月中旬斋月结束后重启。 The US is urgently pushing for a resumption of peace talks in Sudan to prevent the crisis from escalating further, with talks set to restart as Ramadan ends in mid-April. 苏丹军队与快速支援部队 (RSF) 之间的冲突导致了世界上最严重的流离失所危机,近 850 万人流离失所,该国部分地区陷入饥荒。 The conflict between Sudan's army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has led to the world's largest displacement crisis, with nearly 8.5 million people displaced and parts of the country pushed to famine. 美国苏丹特使汤姆·佩里洛(Tom Perriello)的目标是让非洲领导人、地区机构和海湾国家参与谈判,以实现停战并建立持久和平。 Tom Perriello, the US special envoy to Sudan, aims to involve African leaders, regional bodies, and Gulf states in talks to achieve a truce and establish lasting peace.