苏丹否认封锁援助,声称冲突已使1 400万流离失所,正如美国指责的那样。 Sudan denies blocking aid, claims conflict has displaced 14 million, as US accuses otherwise.
苏丹否认美国在其持续冲突期间阻挠援助的说法。 Sudan denies US claims of blocking aid during its ongoing conflict. 苏丹人道主义援助委员会(HAC)驳斥美国特使汤姆·佩里略的指责,称他们已经发放了12 170份行动许可,并允许1 073辆卡车进入援助区。 The Sudanese Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) refutes accusations by US Special Envoy Tom Perriello, stating they have granted 12,170 movement permits and allowed 1,073 trucks to enter aid zones. 高级行动委员会指控快速支助部队民兵阻碍援助,而冲突已造成24 850多人死亡和1 400万人流离失所。 The HAC accuses the Rapid Support Forces militia of obstructing aid, while the conflict has caused over 24,850 deaths and displaced 14 million people.