Reno调查致命刺杀事件;疑犯在逃,街道封闭,供调查。 Reno investigates fatal stabbing; suspect at large, street closed for investigation.
Reno警方正在调查星期一6: 30左右 在Kuenzli和Park街发生的一起致命刺杀事件。 Reno police are investigating a fatal stabbing that occurred around 6:30 a.m. Monday at Kuenzli and Park Streets. 受害人被送往医院,但后来死亡。 The victim was taken to a hospital but later died. 嫌疑人仍然在逃,虽然当局说公众没有受到威胁。 The suspect remains at large, though authorities say there is no threat to the public. 第二街东区在高街和威尔斯大道之间关闭 以便进行调查 East Second Street is closed between High Street and Wells Avenue for the investigation. 警察正在要求公众协助查明嫌疑犯。 Police are asking for public assistance in identifying the suspect.