中国金宁报告说,通过阿里巴巴向全球市场的机械销售大幅上升。 Jining, China, reports a significant surge in machinery sales to global markets via Alibaba.
中国金宁的制造商正在通过阿里巴巴的电子商务平台看到全球销售激增。 Manufacturers in Jining, China, are seeing a surge in global sales through Alibaba's e-commerce platform. 以机械生产闻名的城市,外国订单大幅增加,一家公司报告其60%的业务来自海外。 The city, known for its machinery production, has seen a significant increase in foreign orders, with one company reporting 60% of its business coming from overseas. 中国建筑机械贸易在2024年上半年超过271.3亿美元,比上一年增加3.13%。 China's construction machinery trade exceeded $27.13 billion in the first half of 2024, up 3.13% from the previous year. Alibaba报告说,在东南亚和中东的基础设施项目的推动下,机械和建筑材料的在线交易增长最快。 Alibaba reports that machinery and construction materials have seen the highest growth in online transactions, fueled by infrastructure projects in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.