德里法院命令学校在八周内制定炸弹威胁应急计划。 Delhi court orders schools to develop emergency plans for bomb threats within eight weeks.
德里高等法院已命令德里政府和警方制定详细的行动计划和标准作业程序,以便在8周内处理学校中的炸弹威胁和紧急情况。 The Delhi High Court has ordered the Delhi Government and Police to create a detailed action plan and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to handle bomb threats and emergencies in schools within eight weeks. 该计划必须包括所有各方的明确作用以及对工作人员和学生的定期培训。 The plan must include clear roles for all parties and regular training for staff and students. 还将建立一个申诉机制,并定期进行审查,以确保计划继续有效。 A grievance mechanism will also be set up, with periodic reviews to ensure the plan stays effective. 这项指令是在关注儿童、教师和教育机构工作人员的安全之后下达的。 This directive follows concerns over the safety of children, teachers, and staff in educational institutions.