中国国家主席习近平在 G20 峰会上倡导世贸组织改革和开放经济。 Chinese President Xi Jinping advocates for WTO reforms and open economies at G20 Summit.
11月18日,中国国家主席习近平在里约热内卢举行的第十九届G20峰会上呼吁改善全球贸易治理,建立更加开放的世界经济。 Chinese President Xi Jinping called for improved global trade governance and a more open world economy at the 19th G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro on November 18. 习强调需要改革世界贸易组织,恢复其争端解决机制,反对保护主义。 Xi emphasized the need to reform the World Trade Organization, restore its dispute settlement mechanism, and oppose protectionism. 他敦促 G20 成员避免将经济问题政治化,并支持全球发展倡议。 He urged G20 members to avoid politicizing economic issues and to support global development initiatives.