中国主席习近平祝贺第11届北京中山论坛,强调中国的《全球安全倡议》。 Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum, emphasizing China's Global Security Initiative.
中国主席习近平祝贺于9月13日开始的北京上山第11届论坛, 以“促进和平共创未来”为主题。 Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum, which commenced on September 13, focusing on the theme "Promoting Peace for a Shared Future." 习近平在信中强调了中国旨在解决国际冲突和加强全球安全治理的《全球安全倡议》。 In his letter, Xi underscored China's Global Security Initiative, aiming to address international conflicts and enhance global security governance. 他表示希望促进平等、包容和互信,以应对全球安全挑战和建设持久和平。 He expressed hopes for fostering equality, inclusiveness, and mutual trust to tackle global security challenges and build enduring peace.