两名失踪的田纳西州儿童在阿拉巴马州安全找到;非监护母亲被拘留。 2 missing Tennessee children found safe in Alabama; non-custodial mother taken into custody.
田纳西州谢尔比维尔的两名失踪儿童(分别为 2 岁和 9 个月大)在阿拉巴马州被发现安全,他们的非监护母亲也被拘留。 2 missing children, aged 2 and 9 months, reported missing from Shelbyville, Tennessee, were found safe in Alabama, and their non-custodial mother was taken into custody. 3 月 13 日孩子们最后一次出现后,田纳西州调查局代表谢尔比维尔警察局发布了安珀警报。 The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation had issued an Amber Alert on behalf of the Shelbyville Police Department after the children were last seen on March 13. 母亲凯西·坎贝尔因严重绑架罪被谢尔比维尔警方通缉。 The mother, Casey Campbell, was wanted by the Shelbyville police for especially aggravated kidnapping.