由于Coventry家庭被入侵而精神受创伤的老年妇女;警方寻求公众帮助,以识别嫌疑人。 Elderly woman traumatized by home invasion in Coventry; police seek public help to identify suspect.
10月14日下午2点左右,一名男子闯入Coventry的家,偷走她的首饰和手机,使Coventry的一名80岁的妇女受到心理创伤。 An 80-year-old woman in Coventry was traumatized after a man broke into her home on October 14 around 2 pm, stealing her jewelry and mobile phone. 那个没有受伤的女人说 "她一生中从没这么害怕过" The woman, left uninjured, said she has "never been so scared in all her life." 西米德兰警察局公布了嫌犯的录像,被描述为一名肩长棕发男子,身高约5英尺6到5英尺8英寸高,并敦促公众帮助查明他的身份。 West Midlands Police have released footage of the suspect, described as a man with shoulder-length brown hair, about 5ft 6in to 5ft 8in tall, and have urged the public to help identify him.