8 月 20 日,一名男子试图在蒂普顿偷窃物品,袭击了一名商店工作人员,西米德兰兹警方正在利用公布的闭路电视录像进行调查。 On August 20, a man attempted to steal items in Tipton, assaulted a shop worker, and West Midlands Police are investigating with released CCTV footage.
8月20日,一名男子企图从西米德兰省Tipton的一家商店偷东西,袭击一名干预的商店工人。 On August 20, a man attempted to steal items from a shop in Tipton, West Midlands, assaulting a shop worker who intervened. 事件发生后,西米德兰警察局正在调查,并公布了嫌疑人的闭路电视录像,寻求公众协助,以查明嫌疑人的身份。 Following the incident, West Midlands Police are investigating and have released CCTV footage of the suspect, seeking public assistance in identifying him. 他们鼓励任何有信息的人与他们联系,并引用犯罪编号 20/786079/24,尽管承认图像质量很差。 They encourage anyone with information to contact them, referencing crime number 20/786079/24, despite acknowledging the image quality is poor.