新南威尔士州九个地区发生严重风暴,引发自然灾害宣示,引发恢复援助。 Severe storms prompt natural disaster declarations in nine NSW areas, triggering recovery aid.
新南威尔士州亨特地区9个地方政府地区,包括塞斯诺克、Dungog、Singoneton和上亨特,因严重风暴而被宣布为自然灾害区。 Nine local government areas in the Hunter region of New South Wales, including Cessnock, Dungog, Singleton, and Upper Hunter, have been declared natural disaster zones due to severe storms. 宣言将提供基本的灾后恢复资金,协助受灾社区提供应急住宿,向低收入居民提供赠款,并支持清理和复原工作。 The declaration will provide essential disaster recovery funding, aiding affected communities with emergency accommodation, grants for low-income residents, and support for clean-up and restoration efforts. 小企业、初级生产商、非营利组织和体育俱乐部也将获得财政援助。 Small businesses, primary producers, non-profits, and sports clubs will also receive financial assistance.